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Apple Bites  Educational Opinions and Commentary

on Issues Related to Children and Education, and other items of public interest

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White House Racism:Donald Trump Sends Wrong Message to School Children


Part 1

Donald Trump's Racism, Character,Language, and Deeds: Worst Examples for America's School Children (parts 1- 7)



Donald Trump is a poor presidential role model for America's school children. The words, actions, attitude, and language of the 45th occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue sets the worst possible examples of what school children should see and hear from a person who occupies the countries highest office. There was a time in history when young people said," I want to grow up to be president". Today, young people are saying, they "never want to be president." When these young people are questioned about their statements, they are quite telling. Many immediate reference the language they have heard, and the behavior they witnessed from the president. One young man attending a DC school and an admirer of football players as well as scientist said, he did not think any one should be called "dirty" names. He went on to say, he did not know Donald Trump, but he had no respect for him. He asked our staff, "why did adults elect such a disgraceful man"?. In ending our discussion, he asked how would the president like to be called a vulgar names? He then asked , is Donald Trump the "Son of a female dog"? (a SOB).


School teachers from coast to coast are complaining about the behavior and language of the president and the poor example he is setting for school children. A six grade California school teacher said a student announced to his classmates in a discussion, he no longer wanted to be president because of Trump. Instead , he said he wanted to be a firefighter like the brave men who fight fires in California. When children can see the flaws of adults , reassessment of moral character and behavior is in order.


School teachers spend hours teaching, talking, consoling, and trying to prevent students from bullying their peers. Yet, the president is the nation's top bully. Trump is a bully who acts like a forgotten child. He is so lonely and unloved that he must draw attention to himself each day to feel of worth and loved. The president cannot face the reality of his bullying or his incompetence. He must be praised each day ,he must tell you how important he is, or he cannot face his own existence. Trump hides his weakness and inability behind the bullying mask, never knowing it has always been transparent. Even in old age, he does not realize, saying you are great, does not make it so. It is difficult to understand how his wife, extemporaneously can tell school children in Michigan to be nice and not bully. It makes one wonder if she has been introduced to her own husband.


The bullying, buffoonery, and insensitivity is not new to this president. He insulted a widow, who lost her husband in service of this country and accused her of untruthfulness when she said he verbally injured her. He insulted women of color, gave cover to racism in Charlottesville, and demeaned women. He called foreign heads of state out of their name, and told the people of Puerto Rico after a hurricane disaster that their Island was in poor condition before the devastation. He lacks moral character and our children see it. The president's name calling and labeling of individuals does not help. It reminds a student with a disability of the bullying and names he has been called. School children do not need to see daily examples of bad behavior by the president.


Every year, teachers tell students not to engage in bullying or name calling. Some students in spite of their teacher's instruction do it anyway. Name calling is a sign of their hurt. They cannot physically fight back, so they use their verbal fist to try to ease the pain. It does not solve the problem,it only indicates they are wounded and hurting inside. Childish name calling is not only a type of verbal bullying, but an admission of a deep emotional hurt. Bullying or name calling does not create a positive impression. It is no wonder that a student said because of Trump, he did not want to be president. A sentiment echoed by some of his classmates.


Like every school yard bully, Trump speaks untruth, accepts no responsibility, and says he has done no wrong. He sometimes backs down when directly confronted and shows his own weakness and fear. However,when the confrontation moment is over; he immediately continue to display meanness, childishness, inappropriate conduct, and a lack of good judgment,


Lewd words and foul deeds may live and flourish in an adult world, but children are watching and listening. Students live and function in a digital and technological world. Communication devices and video messaging are routine for them. In a tech world ,the deeds, actions, and words of the president are seen, heard, and repeated daily. The bombardment of incompetence, lack of leadership, moral character, and untruthfulness challenges the teachings of schools and parents across the nation. No wonder parents fear the influence and examples their children witness from some adults.


Our children are our future. We should insist on positive examples and good role models for students. What ever Trump is in your view,there is one thing we are sure of, that is,- Trump is a poor example of decency, intelligence, morals, and good character for American school children. Our children deserve better.


continue to part 2